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Marketing is a confusing topic to most small business owners. The process is not well understood. Owners want more customers to buy more of what they provide – simple. The word “marketing” itself is looked upon skeptically.
Much confusion stems from the fact that communication tools are evolving at a rapid pace. Social, digital and mobile platforms are taking the place of traditional selling and advertising. New subject matter experts promote magic bullet solutions to finding new customers. Beware – if bad choices are made, lots of time and money can evaporate.
The Hammer and the Nail
When listening to advice from a marketing service provider, remember Maslow’s comment “to a person with a hammer, every problem is a nail”. Website designers pitch new websites as the best way to get more customers. Social media gurus suggest the latest social tools (Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and on it goes, leaving the small business owner confused and vulnerable, worried they are missing the boat entirely, because each expert sounds convincing.
Comcast just announced a new logo in December 2012. The combination of the cable company Comcast and the entertainment provider NBCUniversal (which Comcast purchased in 2011) created the need for a new identity that neither logo alone could provide.
The logo redesign is a straightforward combination of the two existing logos and suggests to employees, stakeholders and customers that they are really one entity. Try imagining your local cable driver working for the same company as judges on “The Voice” or creators of thrill rides at Universal park in Orlando and you get an idea of the need to tie it all together. The stronger capital letters and more modern font are really the only changes (I can only guess what the design firm charged them for this). Here is how this new logo evolved:
Were you part of the collective “gasp” when you heard the news that our beloved brand – Twinkies – might be no more? Hostess, the makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, HO-HOs and Wonder bread announced it is shutting down operations. Hysteria ensued in social and traditional media, with reports of Twinkie-hoarding and outrageous prices. If you were like me, you might have thought “Wait, this can’t really happen…can it?”.