Tools generating the highest quality results for lead generation
B2B Marketers identified digital tools such as search engine advertising and search optimization as highest in quality along with 3rd party lead generators, in-house email and trade shows.

Spending Changes for 2013
When asked where B2B marketers will spend more time and money in 2013, several surprising tools rose to the top – retargeted advertising, social media and social media ads. None of these tools were ranked highly in quality of leads generated.

These results show a continued belief among B2B marketers that social media ads have value despite their lack of ability to generate quality leads. This belief may be an attempt to lower overall costs or simply a misguided desire to not get left behind a popular digital trend. B2B marketers should continue to rely on search advertising and website optimization, along with trade shows and email marketing campaigns for quality demand generation.
What do the results mean for your business? What tools do you rely on most?
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